Channing Tatum delivered a sweet, humble speech while accepting the Trailblazer Award at the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday, April 13.

Mila Kunis and Jonah Hill Present Trailblazer Award To Channing Tatum

Mila Kunis, who stars alongside Tatum in the upcoming Jupiter Ascending, and Tatum’s 22 Jump Street co-star, Jonah Hill, presented Tatum with the golden popcorn award. Kunis introduced the award and video montage of Tatum’s work, saying “He makes action funny, comedy sexy, and above all, he never fails to make me smile.”

Hill took over after the montage, and he chose a different approach, first poking fun at the idea of Tatum as a trailblazer.

“Think about the idea of a trailblazer: a super good-looking guy who becomes the lead in movies. What kind of trail blaze? That is an amazing trail blaze! Think about a guy like me – I’ve had it easy! An average-looking guy becoming a movie star – that’s easy,” Hill joked. “What’s a more trailblazing experience than a f—king gorgeous man becoming a movie star?”

Once the laughter died down, Hill got a bit more sentimental, recounting how the two first met starring in their hit comedy 21 Jump Street.

“He’s the funniest person in the entire movie [21 Jump Street], one of the funniest people I’ve ever met in my life, and he is truly one of the best human beings I’ve ever met. I love him, I love his family, I love every single part of this person, and I’m proud to give him this award," Hill concluded.

Channing Tatum Thanks His Fans

Tatum kept his acceptance speech short and sweet, thanking Hill and Kunis, joking that he was sure this was all an elaborate prank, before addressing the audience.

“I’m not really sure what I did to deserve this. It’s weird because 10 years ago, I was sitting in front of my TV, watching this show just like people at home right now. I didn’t have the faintest thought that I could be standing up here talking to you all. I had no idea if I’d be good at anything, much less acting,” Tatum said, getting emotional. “And when I think about what’s gotten me from there to here, it really has to do with you guys.”

22 Jump Street starring Hill and Tatum will hit theaters June 13. And Jupiter Ascending will be released the following month on July 18.

Olivia Truffaut-Wong

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