Michael Douglas‘ son Cameron Douglas has been released after serving seven years in prison on drug charges.

Cameron Douglas Released

Cameron, now 37, has been imprisoned since 2010, when he was sentenced to a five-year term for possession of heroin and selling methamphetamine. In 2013, Cameron failed a drug test behind bars and he subsequently confessed to smuggling drugs into prison. At the time, Cameron’s prison sentence was extended to 2018. After spending two years in solitary confinement, Cameron has been released early to a halfway house in Brooklyn, New York according to People.

Cameron published an essay in 2013 to not only explain his own predicament within the legal system, but to shine a light on the broader problems within the system and how it deals with those convicted on non-violent drug-related charges.

“I’m not saying that I didn’t deserve to be punished, or that I’m worthy of special treatment. I made mistakes and I’ll gladly and openly admit my faults,” Cameron wrote. “However, I seem to be trapped in a vicious cycle of relapse and repeat, as most addicts are. Unfortunately, whereas the effective remedy for relapse should be treatment, the penal system’s “answer” is to lock the door and throw away the key.”

Cameron added, “I can only hope that the educated, just, and decent men and women who hold positions of influence will find the courage to fight for change because they understand what is inherently right. In doing so, they will start gaining the support necessary to begin breaking these malignant molds that are such a detriment to our society and culture as a whole.”

Cameron’s father, Hollywood star Michael Douglas, has been outspoken in his criticism of the criminal justice system as well.

“I see him twice a month now because he’s incarcerated closer to our home. He’s a drug addict, but he’s done more than his fair share of time for it,” Douglas said earlier this year.

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