Bill Cosby admitted to using his fame and money to keep his sexual encounters with young women, specifically Andrea Constand, quiet.

More Details From Bill Cosby’s 2005 Deposition Released

New details of Cosby’s four-day deposition from the 2005 case against him have emerged after The New York Times discovered the transcripts through a court reporting service. In the deposition, taken during the civil suit brought against Cosby by Andrea Constand, a young woman who claimed Cosby drugged and molested her, Cosby answered questions about his extra marital affairs. The comedian reportedly described how he would prey on young women for sex with an air of “casual indifference.”

According to the new report, Cosby spoke openly about using his fame and connections to develop relationships with young women. Specifically, Cosby described a mentor/mentee relationship with Constand, even noting at one point his frustration when she failed to follow through with one of his contacts. “Here’s a mentor, Bill Cosby, who is in the business, Bill Cosby, who happens to know something about what to do and Andrea is not picking up on it,” he said.

Bill Cosby Calls Relations With Constand “Playing Sex”

He described a consensual sexual encounter between Constand and himself, and admitted to giving her a half of Benadryl to help her relax – Constand’s lawyer insisted that Constand believed Cosby gave her a much stronger drug. In fact, Cosby admitted in that same deposition to obtaining prescriptions for Quaaludes with the explicit purpose of giving them to young women to have sex. According to Cosby, he and Constand were “playing sex, we’re playing, petting, we’re playing.”

In the deposition, Cosby stated that he refrained from having sexual intercourse with women such as Constand so that they would not develop feelings for him. “[Sexual intercourse] is something that I feel the woman will succumb to more of a romance and more of a feeling, not love, but it’s deeper than a playful situation,” Cosby said.

Furthermore, Cosby explained why he believed his relationship with Constand was consensual, describing what happened after they were intimate: “I walk her out. She does not look angry. She does not say to me, don’t do that again. She doesn’t walk out with an attitude of a huff, because I think that I’m a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things, whatever you want to call them.”

As already detailed in the deposition excerpts released in early July, Cosby confirmed that he offered to pay for Constand’s education after receiving a phone call from Constand and her distraught mother. When speaking on his proposed monetary arrangement, Cosby admitted that it was a way to keep his extra marital affairs from his wife, Camille Cosby, alluding to previous instances in which he gave women money to keep quiet.

“My wife would not know it was because Andrea and I had sex and that Andrea was now very, very upset and that she decided that she would like to go to school,” Cosby said in his deposition. (It should be noted that Constand never asked Cosby for money.)

Cosby admitted he had previously given similar ‘tuition’ money to Therese Serignese, a woman he met at the Las Vegas Hilton in 1976. When asked if Serignese was in a position to consent to sex after – allegedly – willingly taking Quaaludes from Cosby, he answered, “I don’t know.”

Serignese is currently suing Cosby for defamation. “This information is important because it sheds light on the private practices of a man who holds himself out as a public moralist,” said Serignese’s lawyer, Joseph Cammarata.

Bill Cosby Admits To Keeping Beth Ferrier From Speaking Out

In the deposition, Cosby also spoke about relations with Beth Ferrier, one of the 15 Jane Does who supported Constand in her suit against Cosby. Ferrier was one of the first Jane Does to come forward in December of 2014, after the dozens of allegations of rape against Cosby were thrust into the spotlight. Ferrier has claimed that she engaged in a consensual relationship with Cosby, but, one night, after she had broken off their affair, he allegedly gave her a coffee laced with some sort of drug – “I believe that Mr. Cosby drugged me and sexually assaulted me that night,” Ferrier said.

Ferrier’s case is unique among the over four-dozen allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against Cosby because she had attempted to take her story public in the pages of the National Enquirer only to be shut down by Cosby, who offered the paper an exclusive interview if they would pull Ferrier’s story. In his 2005 deposition, Cosby admits to trading stories with the National Enquirer.

After the first excerpts of Cosby’s deposition were released, Ferrier spoke at a press conference alongside fellow Jane Doe and alleged Cosby victim, Rebecca Lynn Neal, and lawyer Gloria Alred. Together, the three women asked that the courts release the entirety of Cosby’s deposition. It’s unclear whether or not Alred has gotten ahold of the complete deposition obtained by The New York Times.

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