'Big Brother' Season 19
This week’s second episode of Big Brother continued the brewing drama from the first, testing Jessica and Cody’s relationship, and pitting them against the rest of the house.
This episode follows up with Jessica not trusting Cody, and trying to determine if Paul was full of it when he insinuated that Cody only kept Jason and Alex around to get rid of Jessica and Raven later. She goes straight to the source to ask what was up. “When my mom watches this show, is she going to love you or is she gonna hate you?” she asks Cody straight up. Of course, Cody denies everything, though his twitchy face says otherwise.
Meanwhile, Paul works on getting the rest of the house on board with Jessica’s no-hex demands. With Mark and Elena though, he conveniently leaves out the part about Alex being the one to go home next. Everyone seems cool with the plan, and Paul confirms this to Jessica. Jessica and Cody then share what might be the last bedtime cuddle session, because Cody won’t say if he’s frustrated with the game or with her.
Next up comes the veto meeting, which is fairly uneventful until afterward, when new drama starts. The first blow out fight between everyone begins. It starts when Jessica overhears a seemingly innocuous conversation between Kevin, Raven, and Jason, who were simply talking about Jessica’s hex and then about the literal weight of the veto necklace. But Jessica insists that it was sketchy because they all stopped talking upon her entrance.
She unleashes on Raven for some reason and yells that she’s been talking to people that “she doesn’t usually talk to.” And of course Cody is there to back Jessica up. Jessica gets so worked up over it that she convinces herself to actually use her hex. Paul then gets word that Jessica is messing up the deal they made, and he descends upon her and Cody. Paul gets Josh involved and tells him to, “turn it up to a 30. Pots, everything.” And then everyone is yelling. “This is embarrassing for everybody, honestly,” says Matthew, summing it up perfectly.
By the time things settle down, it appears that there was actually no drama to be fighting over at all. And everyone is tired. Jessica does use her Halting Hex, keeping everyone safe for another week. The episode ends with a competition for next week’s head of household, and who wins but Josh. Get ready for a wild ride, when there’s no telling what Josh will do on his newfound power trip.
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