Big Brother 18 Episode 29 Recap: BB Weather Alert

Sunday night’s episode of Big Brother saw Natalie (yes, Natalie) winning the HoH competition by a matter of seconds over runner-up Paul. The care package winner was also announced, with Michelle winning safety and the power of co-HoH, granting her the ability to name one of the nominees. Before Paulie was evicted, he told Nicole, Corey, and Paul that they should all target James next. Fearing that she and Corey would be Natalie’s obvious targets, Ratcole lied about the conversation and claimed that Paul was the ring leader in the plan to target James. Natalie, hearing this information from Ratcole, convinces Michelle to put up Paul as she puts up Victor, with Paul being the main target this week.
Big Brother 18 Episode 29 Recap: BB Weather Alert
The episode begins where the last one left off, in the aftermath of the nomination ceremony. After being called a liar and a manipulator by Michelle, Paul is salty af and confronts the two HoHs. Paul denies ever lying to the group (Lie-za Minelli, do you not remember Da’s eviction?). Paul calms down and he and Victor concoct and pitch a plan to backdoor Corey. To paint a larger target on NiCorey, Paul decides to confront Ratcole about her lies while Corey is in the Diary Room. Paul is relentless in his badgering of Nicole who tries to defend herself but struggles to get any words in. In the middle of the argument Corey exits the Diary Room ecstatic to be rid of his Ameritard outfit and begins stripping in front of the dueling houseguests. Corey is characteristically unaware of his surrounds and completely oblivious to the fact that his showmance Nicole is being lambasted by Paul. After awkwardly realizing the situation, Corey stares blankly at the wall as Nicole removes herself from the argument.
Veto Competition – BB Weather Alert
The night before the Veto competition the houseguests hear the “BB Weather Alert” broadcasting in the living room. Several weather reports are played which detail different kinds of storms named after four evicted houseguests: Glenn, Jozea, Tiffany, and Frank. Everyone is listening intently to the broadcasts except NiCorey who find cuddling to be more important (DUMB).
The Veto competition sees the players as reporters having to read a teleprompter in the middle of a storm, filling in the blanks with the name of the storm the teleprompter describes. Each correctly filled-in blank is worth a point and the houseguest with the most points wins. Unfortunately Paul is victorious, winning the PoV over Michelle by one point (I QUIT). Paul tells Victor that Corey must be the replacement nominee so that they both can stay in the house this week and target James and Natalie next week. If Paul’s plan comes to fruition next week I am officially clocking out of this season (or not because I have to write recaps BUT WHATEVER).
At the Veto ceremony, Paul naturally uses the PoV on himself and Michele chooses Corey as her replacement nominee. Paul and Victor are elated and believe that Corey is the obvious choice for eviction. However, with only three people voting to evict this week, all the power lies in James’ hands as he will cast the deciding vote. Who will James choose to evict, Victor or Corey? Who will become the next HoH? And which Jury member will battle their way back into the house (C’MON MAMA DA’)? Find out tonight at 9pm EST on Big Brother.
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