Nicki Minaj appears to be pregnant, leading some to suspect that her past fling and label mate Lil’ Wayne could be the baby’s father.

Nicki MInaj Pregnant, Lil' Wayne The Father?

Minaj, who has been somewhat MIA since her stint as a judge on Fox’s American Idol, has reportedly been carrying a child for the last several months, according to ThyBlackMan(dot)com. The father, alleges the website, is none other than her longtime friend and sometime lover and collaborator Lil’ Wayne. Wayne already has four children from four different mothers, while the child would be the first for Minaj.

Though Minaj and Wayne are said to have had a sexual relationship in the past, no new reports of romance have appeared recently. However, the pair’s joint performance at the Billboard Music Awards featured Minaj grinding on the rapper in a racy lap dance, sparking rumors of a reunion.

Another possible father for the rumored baby could be Drake, with whom Minaj has also had previous alleged relationship.

Although the report is compelling, it’s short on sources, quotes or any other evidence that would indicate that Minaj is even with child.

– Chelsea Regan

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