Anne Hathaway, 29, is starting to get a reputation as real Hollywood royalty, and to prove it she did what serious actors often do — shed weight for a role, in this case, her upcoming part as the iconic Fantine in Tom Hooper's remake of the musical, Les Miserables, starring Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, Amanda Seyfried, Helena Bonham Carter, Sacha Baron Cohen and Samantha Barks.

Barks, who plays Eponine in the film, also lost weight for the film. "We were all sort of on these diets to sort of shrink down and to look waiflike and things like that," she said, but she denies rumors that she and Hathaway were in any way unhealthy about the physical metamorphosis. "She did it in the healthiest way," Barks told E! Online, claiming that a lot of Hathaway's transformation was actually due to her newly short 'do, which is messily cropped for the movie, but appears to have been made more stylish later.

"To see her was shocking with the shaved head and [losing] loads of weight, but she put her heart into it," said Barks. "She did what she had to do for the role."

As true Hathaway fans know, the newly married actress (to actor Adam Shulman) quickly took to her shorn locks. "She's rocking the short hair," Barks said. "I was like, 'Well done,' and she said, 'I have it all blended now.' She was crazy about it.'

Les Miserables opens in theaters on Christmas Day.

Watch the Les Miserables trailer, in which Hathaway sings "I Dreamed a Dream" here:

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