Stephen Moyer, who plays Bill on HBO’s popular show, True Blood, is opening up about his relationship with wife and costar Anna Paquin. The pair met during auditions for the show, now in its fourth season, and at first, their relationship was purely platonic. But we know how fast that can change in Hollywood.

“Our interest was piqued by each other, but at that point it was like, we're about to work together for a long time, hopefully, you know, if the show gets picked up. So, there were no feelings at that point,” Moyer told Men's Health. “We were in the same hotel. We were having dinner every night. I got back to London and Anna got back to New York and I just missed speaking to her every day, which is what we had been doing up into that point. Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, and… you have a marriage.” Of course, it wasn’t as easy or quick as all that. There was a fair amount of romance involved, including Skype calls that lasted two to three hours a night.

The pair were married last August, but celebrity marriages are always difficult, especially with fans as obsessive about a show as those of True Blood. "I get to sign boobs a lot,” Moyer revealed. “I get to bite boobs, occasionally, when I'm allowed. If my missus is there and she approves of the person I get to bite boobs… and necks."

The show’s new season kicks off with Paquin’s character, Sookie Stackhouse, in the fairy world. Will she choose Eric (played by Swede Alexander Skarsgard) after his revelation in the season finale, or will she choose Bill, who fights Sophie-Anne? Moyer isn't opposed to a Sookie-Eric fling, saying that he loved and trusted both Paquin and Skarsgard.

“I’m sure you’d love me to tell you that we loathe each other and we fight every day, but if you came to the set, you’d just see us having lunch, laughing, the three of us," he told The Los Angeles Times on Tuesday. "There’s not really a story there… I went up to him at the beginning of the season, and I just went, look, I want you to do your job to the absolute best of your ability… I think it’s great for the show, I think the fans who have been waiting for that stuff to happen will be very pleased with the way it plays out,” said Moyer.

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