The members of Aerosmith announced that they will be cutting their Peace Out: The Farewell Tour short.

Lead singer Steven Tyler, 76, can no longer sing after he fractured his larynx last year. The end of the tour marks the end of the band’s stint as live performers.

“We’ve always wanted to blow your mind when performing,” the band said in a statement. “As you know, Steven’s voice is an instrument like no other. He has spent months tirelessly working on getting his voice to where it was before his injury. We’ve seen him struggling despite having the best medical team by his side. Sadly, it is clear, that a full recovery from his vocal injury is not possible. We have made a heartbreaking and difficult, but necessary, decision – as a band of brothers – to retire from the touring stage.”

Aerosmith set off on their tour in 2023 and played a few shows before having to postpone that September. They had planned to begin touring again in the fall and through early next year.

Tyler has faced a number of setbacks over the past year, including being accused of assaulting a minor in the 1970s.

Plaintiff Jeanne Bellino is seek unspecified damages in the suit, which lists the cause of action as “gender-motivated violence.”

Bellino, who was 17 and a child model at the time, alleged that she met Tyler, 27 at the time, through a friend who had arranged to meet the band at a hotel after a fashion show that Bellino walked in. 

From the hotel, Bellino and her friend followed Tyler and some of his friends. Bellino says when she asked Tyler a question about a song lyric, he got upset and forced Bellimo into a nearby phone booth.

The lawsuit states, “While holding her captive, Tyler stuck his tongue down her throat, and put his hands upon her body … moving and removing clothing and pinning her against the wall of the phone booth.”

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