Aaron Rodgers didn’t miss a chance to poke fun at Tom Brady for Deflategate while being interviewed on Sportsnet, even if it’s been seven whole years since the scandal broke.

When he is passed a football for a game called “Drone Jeopardy,” the Packers quarterback quipped that the ball felt “too firm for the Patriots.”

This was an obvious reference to the Deflategate scandal, in which Brady was accused of ordering the deliberate deflation of footballs used in their victorious game against the Indianapolis Colts in the 2014 AFC Championships game. Brady was suspended for four games, and the team was fined $1 million for the incident.

This comment didn’t appear to be made maliciously, however, with Rodgers grinning to the camera.

The Packers lost to the San Francisco 49-ers and Brady’s Buccaneers lost to the Rams on Sunday, so neither with be heading to the Super Bowl.

Rodgers has been dating actress Shailene Woodley.

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