Nicki Minaj is a Sagittarius sun sign, known for their broad-minded joviality and ability to make others laugh with their positive honesty. Nicki also has several other planets in fiery and energetic Sagittarius, particularly her Mercury (communications) and Venus (attraction and love) which indicates that she puts across inspiring ideas that are perceptive of the group dynamic, as well as enjoying to cross cultures whilst valuing her freedom and independence. Recently she’s probably been thinking deeply about her family and roots as taskmaster Saturn has conjuncted her mercury and squared her moon, which has probably grounded her somewhat. However in 2018 she gets a bounteous and beneficial Jupiter return which will help to set her on a new 12 year cycle of growth, wisdom and understanding. The 2018 eclipses are highlighting the areas of her chart to do with relationships and marriage, and she might well find that a very karmic relationship that could change her life is just around the corner.

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