Kristen is an Aries Sun sign, which tend to be known for their energetic approach and directness. Aries need to achieve and succeed in all their aims, and therefore she enjoys a challenge and initiating action, and at times might need to learn about patience and moderation. She only has the sun in Aries however; her Venus planet of love is in transcendent and boundary less Pisces, which indicates she might like a lot of mystery as well as freedom to maneuver in her relationships, and her Mercury planet of mind is in steady and realistic Taurus. She is a patient learner and communicator with a business mind. In 2014, she has Saturn making tense alignments to her career point and this is making sure she’s got a lot of work and commitment in keeping her career established. Meanwhile, lucky Jupiter is in her house of money and earnings until July, giving them a big boost. Into 2015, and the powerful transformers Uranus and Pluto will make contact with both her Sun and her Moon, which will change her whole life direction and help her find another path of creative expression, something more than just acting.

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