Actress Francesca Capaldi gave a review of her latest movie Stinky Summer in her new uInterview.

Capaldi discussed how her character fits into the plot. “I play Emily, who is the eldest sister in the family,” she told uInterview founder Erik Meers. “Emily is a little bit—she’s a rule-follower, she’s by-the-book, she’s a bookworm, and she kind of does her part to keep the family together as they’re all very busy and they all have very chaotic lives. So she definitely takes on the role of mom to her older sister and younger sisters for sure.”

As overview for the movie, Capaldi explained, “It is a super fun one about a girl and…a skunk who kind of crash the party as she’s on the way to summer camp.”

“And there are some international spies that are after her dad’s software that mistakenly gets given to her,” Capaldi, who first gained fame on the Disney show Dog With A Blog, added, “So there’s really fun camp adventures, and it’s a really fun movie.”

As she considered her time on set, Capaldi shared, “It was such a fun experience, it was such a great cast, and honestly I was only there for a short time, I think I was there for about three weeks, and it was really action packed the whole time, but it was super super fun.”

Capaldi recounted her favorite on and off-screen moments from production: “Favorite memory on set, probably gonna be the campground; I never got to go to summer camp, so it was kind of like getting to live that experience. And it was really fun, we got to do a lot of night shoots at the time, especially that big scene where we kind of finally have our full encounter with the spies.”

Capaldi continued, “[My favorite off-screen moment was] any time we had to do a scene with the skunk puppet, it was just so funny because, you know…getting to act with a skunk puppet, that’s—not many people can say they got to do that!”

Reflecting on what drew her to the movie, Capaldi said, “In kind of this movie that’s very silly, to be someone that’s a little more composed and grounded. I thought that was such a fun character to get to play. And I was drawn to the movie because…it sounded like a mix of The Parent Trap and then a little bit of the adventures of Home Alone, and just themes that they can’t get their act together.”

Stinky Summer can be streamed on Apple TV, Amazon Prime, Fandango and Google Play.

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