Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor, who appeared in Slumdog Millionaire, died Wednesday at 67 after a long fight with cancer. 

Kapoor, who was diagnosed with cancer in 2018, returned to India last September after seeking treatment in New York. Kapoor had been recently admitted to a hospital in Mumbai before passing. 

A spokesperson for the hospital confirmed, “The doctors and medical staff at the hospital said he kept them entertained to the last. He remained jovial and determined to live to the fullest right through two years of treatment across two continents. Family, friends, food and films remained his focus and everyone who met him during this time was amazed at how he did not let his illness get the better of him. 

“He was grateful for the love of his fans that poured in from the world over. In his passing, they would all understand that he would like to be remembered with a smile and not with tears.” 

Indian politician Rahul Gandhi tweeted a tribute to the late actor. 

“A wonderful actor, with a huge fan following across generations, he will be greatly missed. My condolences to his family, friends and fans all over the world, at this time of grief.” 

Kapoor is survived by his actress wife, Neetu Singh, and his two children. 

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Article by Paloma Thoen

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