Actor Dylan O’Brien was rushed to the hospital Thursday while he was filming a scene for his new movie, Maze Runner. 


O’Brien was in the middle of shooting a scene in which a transport vehicle was involved. The vehicle ran over him, sending him to the hospital with serious injuries.

Director Wes Ball tweeted out a handwritten letter to console worried fans that O’Brien is alive and well and is “one tough cookie.”

The note reads:

“Well, it’s been a whirlwind of emotions these past few days. I’ve been overwhelmed with feelings of anger and sadness and guilt. But, ultimately I find myself left with a deep love and respect for Dylan. He is one tough cookie. I’m sorry for the grief this accident has caused his friends and family as well as my wonderful cast and crew. It’s scary seeing your friend get hurt, but fortunately, Dylan is going to be just fine. After a few weeks of rest and recovery he’ll be back up and running to finish our adventure together. All the best.”

The actor is recovering and is planning to finish out filming the movie.

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Crystal Smith

Article by Crystal Smith

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