Director Spike Lee has endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders in his bid to become the Democratic nominee for the presidency.

Spike Lee Backs Bernie

Lee’s support for Sanders was made apparent in a new radio ad rolled out by the Sanders campaign ahead of the South Carolina primary.

“Wake up! Wake up, South Carolina! This is your dude, Spike Lee. And you know that I know that you know that the system is rigged!” Lee begins in the spot. “And for too long we’ve given our votes to corporate puppets. Sold the okie-doke. Ninety-nine percent of Americans were hurt by the Great Recession of 2008, and many are still recovering. That’s why I am officially endorsing my brother, Bernie Sanders.”

“Bernie takes no money from corporations. Nada! Which means he is not on the take. When Bernie gets into the White House, he will do the right thing!” Lee continues. “How can we be sure? Bernie was at the March on Washington with Dr. King. He was arrested in Chicago for protesting segregation in public schools. He fought for wealth and education equality throughout his whole career. No flippin’, no floppin’. Enough talk — time for action!”

Leading up the primary in South Carolina, where African Americans make up a sizable portion of the electorate, Sanders has also enlisted supporter Danny Glover to aid his campaign. As for Clinton, she has attempted to appeal to black voters with an ad narrated by actor Morgan Freeman.

The South Carolina primary will be held Saturday, Feb, 27.

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Article by Chelsea Regan