The popular Nickelodeon series iCarly aired its final episode Friday, ending a successful seven season run that turned Miranda Cosgrove, 19, into a star.

Cosgrove played Carly Shay, host of her own web show. Her friend Freddie (Nathan Kress) served as technical producer and her other friend Sam (Jennette McCurdy) served as her co-host. Together, the three of them navigated through adolescence with the guidance of Carly’s older brother Spencer (Jerry Trainor)

The show attracted a large following, thanks in no small part to the show’s devotion to new media. The website offered fans videos, blog posts and quizzes. It wasn't just something that you watched through the TV," Cosgrove said an interview with the Albany Times Union. "You could also communicate back to the iCarly world. I think that was something that was very new to kids and that appealed to them."

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