James and Oliver Phelps are the redhead twins known for playing Fred and George Weasley, the mischievous brothers of Ron Weasley, in the hugely popular and acclaimed Harry Potter film series. Even though acting alongside one’s brother for ten years would otherwise become tedious, the Phelps brothers say that working together has been a very rewarding experience. “It’s been quite healthy to be able to share it with your brother,” Oliver told Uinterview exclusively. “Especially as twins, we’ve been doing events together, so to be able to do stuff together like this, neither of us have been left out of it. It’s been really cool.”

The Phelps also shared many bonding experiences while filming the final two movies of the series. In [Harry Potter and the] Deathly Hallows: Part II, there’s a huge scene in the courtyard and the school’s being pretty much obliterated at this point,” Oliver told Uinterview. “That was really cool to do. It looks more like a second World War epic.”

The twins also admire their famous costars, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint for staying grounded after becoming so popular around the world. “To us, they’re just Dan, Rupert, and Emma. I think the way they conduct themselves is an absolute testament to themselves and their parents,” Oliver revealed. “It’s quite weird that we’re on the inside of that.”

Q: People have the tendency to unfairly lump twins together as one personality. What’s the experience working on Harry Potter been like for you as twins?

A: Oliver Phelps: I think it’s been quite healthy really to be able to share it with your brother, especially being twins, we’ve always been doing events together type stuff, so to be able to do something like this and neither of us are being left out of it, it’s been really cool.

James Phelps: It’s just been a lot of fun to do, throughout the whole ten years and just I think to share it with your brother, it’s been a real cool thing.

Q: What was the most exciting experience working on the final two films?

A: Oliver Phelps: I think there was a lot of cool stuff that we did, like in Deathly Hallows Part II, there’s a huge scene in the courtyard, and the school is pretty much just being obliterated by this point, and that was really cool to do, ’cause it’s a Harry Potter film meets…it looks more like a second World War epic, like the way the set is being designed to film that. I think that brought it all home that this is how it finishes, and they rode off happily into the sunset, so it does all come to a good conclusion.

Q: What has it been like watching the three main actors, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint turn into such huge major movie stars while making the series?

A: It’s been pretty surreal. I mean, to us, they’re just Dan, Rup and Emma. There’s no massive thing with it, you know, but I think they way they conduct themselves is absolutely a testament to themselves and their parents for the way they are. We’re really good buddies with Rupert, so when we go out, even just to play golf or walking to the shops or go to concert it’s very much like, Oh all you all right? and that’s just how it is, and it’s quite weird, really, isn’t it? We’re on the inside of that.

Q: What was the final moment like when you finished filming the entire series?

A: James Phelps: Obviously we knew the final day, that was going to be the final day because they were actually going to knock the studios down a couple of days later, so we knew we weren’t going to be back. So we kind of got in there, did it, and the scene was only Oliver and myself, and they did it and [the guys said], James and Oliver, thanks very much, and it was kind of like after ten years’ time, it was like okay, that was that, what do we do now? It was quite a surreal moment, but a bittersweet one.

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  • Sydney Ramsden
    Sydney Ramsden on

    They were hardly in the last movie 🙁 But I still love them in the others!

  • GabrielaTilevitz
    GabrielaTilevitz on

    I hope that this is hardly the end for James and Oliver!

  • A Grinshpan
    A Grinshpan on

    They are so adorable!

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Q: People have the tendency to unfairly lump twins together as one personality. What's the experience working on Harry Potter been like for you as twins? - KatieLuscombe

Oliver Phelps: I think it's been quite healthy really to be able to share it with your brother, especially being twins, we've always been doing events together type stuff, so to be able to do something like this and neither of us are being left out of it, it's been really cool.

James Phelps: It's just been a lot of fun to do, throughout the whole ten years and just I think to share it with your brother, it's been a real cool thing.

Q: What was the most exciting experience working on the final two films? - KatieLuscombe

Oliver Phelps: I think there was a lot of cool stuff that we did, like in Deathly Hallows Part II, there's a huge scene in the courtyard, and the school is pretty much just being obliterated by this point, and that was really cool to do, 'cause it's a Harry Potter film meets...it looks more like a second Warld War epic, like the way the set is being designed to film that. I think that brought it all home that this is how it finishes, and they rode off happily into the sunset, so it does all come to a good conclusion.

Q: What has it been like watching the three main actors, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint turn into such huge major movie stars while making the series? - LostManiac

It's been pretty surreal. I mean, to us, they're just Dan, Rup and Emma. There's no massive thing with it, you know, but I think they way they conduct themselves is absolutely a testament to themselves and their parents for the way they are. We're really good buddies with Rupert, so when we go out, even just to play golf or walking to the shops or go to concert it's very much like, Oh all you all right? and that's just how it is, and it's quite weird, really, isn't it? We're on the inside of that.

Q: What was the final moment like when you finished filming the entire series? - LostManiac

James Phelps: Obviously we knew the final day, that was going to be the final day because they were actually going to knock the studios down a couple of days later, so we knew we weren't going to be back. So we kind of got in there, did it, and the scene was only Oliver and myself, and they did it and [the guys said], James and Oliver, thanks very much, and it was kind of like after ten years' time, it was like okay, that was that, what do we do now? It was quite a surreal moment, but a bittersweet one.