He blew them away in The Mummy. Now, Brendan Fraser is taking on some tough animals in Furry Vengeance.

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Q: Hi Brendan, this is Justine from Providence, Rhode Island. What was your favorite moment working with Brooke Shields on the movie? - Uinterview User

[Laughs] We would commute. She was living in the city and I have a place in Connecticut and we were shooting in Topsfield, Massachusetts. So we were riding the train back and forth and we got to hang out together on the Express. Her husband Chris Henchy who's a friend of mine who writes awesome comedy with Adam McKay for Will Ferrell and, um, we definitely were able to round this cast out for Furry Vengeance with a lot of the comedians that you'd see on Funny or Die for instance, or Comedy Central, and um while this is a kids movie per se -- and I'm a dad, I'm allowed to say this -- it's not the kind of picture where you're just gonna absolutely want to take a brick and beat yourself around the forehead with it because you have to sit through it! [Laughs] It's actually pretty funny because the jokes are . . . I guess you could say sophisticated, subversive? Intelligent enough that while the kids are laughing at the obvious stuff, um, those of us of a certain age will get it. And by the way, I know I should answer your question, but I want to get this out: stick around for the credit sequence; it's worth the price of admission. There's a credit cookie in it that you will not believe. Oh! And by the way we got Ken Jeong working in this movie. This guy's white hot funny. Seriously, definitely. Well how could you forget when he's making his entrance jumping out of a trunk with, well, with nothing more than a crowbar. [Laughs] Operative word "nothing more" I'm told.

Q: Thanks. My follow up question is there are a lot of fun action scenes with animals. Did you have to do your own stunts? - Uinterview User

I'm asked that "did you have to do your own stunts" question frequently and I have been for my whole career. The truth is, um, why should a stunt man get all the fun?! [Laughs] They'll show you, you know, the safety of it, and sometimes, I mean I've lived through it, I've been lit on fire, dropped off buildings, jumped from them, under water, anyway, the whole laundry list of stuff. Some of the things that we did in this picture were inventive to say the least. At one point Dan Sanders, my character who's a land developer, is sent with his family to put some houses at the end of a cul de sac and his boss shows up and -- that's Ken -- and says "now take out the whole forest around it and I want you to put in shopping malls and everything." And the forest creatures go "[animal noise]" and they make his life miserable -- that'd be me -- for the next, oh I don't know, 70-something minutes. Ha Ha. Comedy ensues. However, on any given day I often would wonder "what kind of movie have I gotten into here? It's just like play-mean-tricks-on-Brendan day." Like I'd sit down and today we're going to do . . . skunks. Skunks, let off a nuclear fart on Dan while he's trapped inside a vehicle. So what they did was they stuck these fire extinguishers inside the car -- they did this -- and the special effects guy explains to me, he's like, "now what you wanna do is take a deep breath before the fire extinguishers go off because what they do is take oxygen out of the atmosphere." I'm like "I know." All of a sudden, "3,2,1, action! [explosive noise]" And it goes like that. I actually took a lung for it. Ugg, not fun. It's never easy, are you kidding? Comedy is about burning calories, getting chips and dents in the paint. You must commit to it. I mean you have to, everyone does. Or be committed. Certainly after the yum yum sweats -- now infamous hot pink sweat pants that I wear in this thing with my sizable adopted gut hanging out. [Laughs] I had to own that baby.

Q: Hi Brendan. This is Natt from Syracuse, New York. Kids seem to love watching adults suffer. Do your kids have that same tendency? - ngarun

It's such an interesting dynamic! Kids generally, and, well, you know, I think they like to see adults and authority figures somehow slightly disgraced because of the dynamic of what it means to be a parent, an adult, an adult, child, that kind of thing. There will be plenty of them to feel as if they are vindicated in seeing adults behaving absurdly or having ridiculous things happen to them all at my expense. And you're welcome very much, moms and dads and peeps out there who want a good laugh. Come check out Furry Vengeance. It opens Friday, April 30th.