Month: August 2009

Jacksons Reality Show In Works

Michael Jackson's brothers are reportedly negotiating with the cable channel A&E for their own reality special. The show had been…

16 years ago

Music for Cougars By Sugar Ray

It’s been six years since we heard any of the laid-back rock Sugar Ray became famous for, and it seems…

16 years ago

Roberts' Movie Makes Indian Yogis Very Nervous

Julia Roberts' latest movie, "Eat, Pray, Love," has Hindus in India nervous about her depiction of their ancient religion, according…

16 years ago

Celine Dion Is Pregnant

Celine Dion, 41, is pregnant with her second child, according to a report in Journal de Montreal. Dion and her…

16 years ago

Sean Penn Divorcing – Again

Sean Penn, 49, is divorcing his wife Robin Wright Penn – again. The actor had filed for divorce in June…

16 years ago

WATCH: Brad Pitt Wants His Kids to Think He's "Cool"

Though Brad Pitt plays a Nazi-scalper in Inglourious Basterds, out on Friday, his next project will be something for his…

16 years ago

Whale Wars

Whale Wars is back for a second season! What? You’ve never heard of Whale Wars? It’s only the most popular…

16 years ago

Hung’s Thomas Jane On His Penis, Getting Naked On-Screen

The star of HBO's new hit series Hung, Thomas Jane plays a basketball coach who makes the most of his…

16 years ago

Carter, DeLay Go 'Dancing'

Aaron Carter (pictured), Donny Osmond and former Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay are among 15 celebrities slated to appear on…

16 years ago

'District 9' Wins Weekend

The space aliens of "District 9" beat out "G.I. Joe," starring Channing Tatum (pictured), at the weekend box office, raking…

16 years ago

District 9

While we find it hard to believe, these words are being typed by our own fingers and of free will…

16 years ago

Diane Kruger Video Interview On Brad Pitt, ‘Iglourious Basterds’ She caught our eye in Troy, and now Diane Kruger is starring with Brad Pitt in Quentin Tarantino's new…

16 years ago

Cold Souls

The most beautiful aspect of humanity exists within the specific qualities and characteristics of each unique personality. These distinctions are…

16 years ago

Phelps Not Injured In Crash

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, 24, was involved in a crash of his Cadillac Escalade and a Honda Accord Thursday night…

16 years ago

Matt Damon Packs On Pounds

Goodbye six pack! Matt Damon went on a junk food diet to gain 30 pounds for his role a whistleblower…

16 years ago

Warehouse 13

One of the great unsung heroes of science fiction/fantasy, writer and producer Jane Espenson has toiled tirelessly behind the scenes…

16 years ago

Anna Faris Gets Married

Actress Anna Faris, 32, wed her boyfriend Chris Pratt, 30, who stars on the NBC series Parks and Recreation, in…

16 years ago

WATCH: Brad Pitt For Mayor?

An effort by residents of New Orleans to recruit Brad Pitt for mayor has the actor smiling. "I'm running on…

16 years ago

Lauren Conrad Wins $50,000

Former Hills' star Lauren Conrad won $50,000 on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Wednesday night for her charity, m.powerment…

16 years ago

Netherland By Joseph O'Neill

“I became an expert wallpaperer and as a consequence something of a ponderer: few activities, I discovered, are more conducive…

16 years ago