Blood (2022) is a horror thriller that follows the story of newly divorced Jess (Michelle Monaghan) who takes her two children to her childhood farmhouse. The family’s dog gets spooked and runs off, only to return feral and bite Jess’s son, causing a mysterious infection. Skeet Ulrich plays Patrick, Jess’s ex and father to her children.
Barron Trump is preparing to re-enter the real estate market with plans to relaunch his…
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is being slammed for using what appeared to be a fascist hand gesture…
Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pennsylvania) received negative responses from social media users after he came to…
Tiffany Trump showed her support for her father, Donald Trump, as he was sworn in…
Melania Trump opted for a timeless patriotic look at husband Donald Trump's presidential inauguration on… A group of Proud Boys protesters carrying pro-Trump signs marched through the streets of…