As the Paris 2024 Olympics begin, U.S. Olympic sailor Daniela Moroz reflected on her journey from a childhood shaped by windsurfing to her current position on the world stage.

Moroz’s passion for sailing is deeply rooted in her family’s history. Her parents, who escaped former Czechoslovakia, met while windsurfing in the San Francisco Bay Area. Surrounded by this aquatic culture from a young age, Moroz explored various sports before discovering kiting. Her competitive spirit was ignited, and she quickly became engaged in racing. “As soon as I got the opportunity to try racing, I jumped on it and was hooked right away,” Moroz told uInterveiw.

The sport’s inclusion in the Olympics has added a surreal layer to her journey. “It still hasn’t really fully sunk in that it’s actually happening,” she admits.

Moroz, who is known for her remarkable achievements in sailing, including winning multiple World Championships and Youth Sailing World Championships, emphasizes that the road to success is paved with both triumphs and challenges.

“The biggest thing I’ve learned along the way is that there are going to be a lot of ups and downs,” she shared. “All of those really low moments or those really tough points are like taking you one step closer to a really good day or a really good moment.”

Her perspective on resilience is shaped by her personal experiences. “It’s okay to let yourself feel bad at those times and to feel sad or whatever it may be like when you’re having a tough time,” she added. “But also realize that it’s taking you one step closer to a really good day.”

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