The new sitcom American Auto follows the story of the Payne Motors company and the struggles its staff find themselves in with a new CEO, Katherine Hastings (Ana Gasteyer). In the show, Jon Barinholtz plays Wesley Payne, grandson of the company founder who believes he should be there and can do whatever he likes.
Willis’ appearance out and about is particularly noteworthy given how the actor has distanced himself…
Several sources have warned that Anderson has long been seen on the arm of rich…
In a recent conversation with Fox News host Jesse Watters, Kid Rock (real name Robert…
Despite the carefully curated fashionable display, many people called Diaz out for wearing jeans to…
Smith, 52, was given a desk appearance ticket – meaning he must show up in…
Former NFL quarterback Tom Brady has been told he should not commentate on the Detroit Lions-Washington Commanders…