On the Come Up follows the story of 16-year-old Bri who dreams of becoming one the greatest rappers ever. It becomes more than a dream when she has no choice but to succeed to help her family avoid eviction. The film is based on a book by the same name.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KpxlR8zxW1U A memorial with a cross and candles was set up on New Orleans’ Bourbon…
Jack Depp, the son of actor Johnny Depp and French model Vanessa Paradis, has been…
https://youtu.be/6e1HsmnitV4 Vice President Kamala Harris comforted a senator’s son on Friday, Jan. 3, after he…
Joe Manganiello, his girlfriend Caitlin O'Connor and his Chihuahua, Bubbles, spent Christmas week at Sandals…
In response to the allegations, Hammer protested that all relations he had were consensual sadomasochistic…
Described by family and friends as a fierce patriot deeply committed to America, most everyone…