• mutt
    mutt on

    One of the few things right with America? Myopic, ignorant, ungrateful bastard. Pop culture geeks who think they know the real world are one of the things that plague us most, like this perpetual adolescent hack and others of his "ilk". Grow up or shut up. Stop poisoning the culture.

  • BrettBouler
    BrettBouler on

    The thing is, how could ANYONE go anywhere thinking that Bruce Willis is an "all right kinda guy"? It's PLAINLY (and painfully) OBVIOUS the dude is a prima donna, spoiled in every way, thinks his crap doesn't stink and that he's better than everybody else. Oh, and GREEDY. So yeah, I have to say, f u c k Bruce Willis. AND the poster above me – @mutt. F u c k him too just for being a self-absorbed THINKS he knows it all kind of p r i c k. Yeah, that's him. F u c k him too.

  • BrettBouler
    BrettBouler on

    Correction – since this site posts comments backwards — then my original post BELOW this one, should be "AND the poster BELOW ME" — @mutt.

  • hell O
    hell O on

    Wow. Sounds like someone shit in mutt's cereal. Please explain your points instead of sounding like a class-A jerk-off.

  • JimmyB
    JimmyB on

    What a great interview. I really enjoyed it. But the thing that I enjoyed most was hearing about Kevin Smith's missteps in trying to work with Bruce Willis. Ever heard the saying "No good deed goes unpunished"? I guess it applies here. It's hilarious. They all took pay cuts because they wanted to work with Bruce Willis and of course he didn't care. I like the Die Hard films myself as well and think Willis was the perfect guy for those films. And I can see how being interested in working with BW (again in KS's case) could drive them to do just what they did. They were thinking "It's going to be great! Bruce Willis! I don't care about money. " but then he turned out to be a total a-hole. Ha! Classic. And the story about almost getting into a fight was terribly interesting and funny. Finally, I think the reason why I enjoyed the story was that KS was describing the kind of a situation that ordinary folks face on occasion and it's nice to hear that even show biz folks face the same kind of challenges in interpersonal relationships. Thanks Kevin!!!

  • ChiliBoots
    ChiliBoots on

    Fat People know everything.

  • StephenDedalus
    StephenDedalus on

    Bruce Willis is used to directors who know what they're doing. Smith can't direct and hasn't been able to write since "Clerks." I can understand why Willis got frustrated.

  • JoleneLastname
    JoleneLastname on

    Why has Kevin had these issues? Maybe he isn't so good to mesh with.

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