James Kyson Lee, plays the Japanese character Ando as Hiro’s time-travelling buddy on NBC smash, Heroes. Though his character struggling with his insecurities due to his lack of super powers at the beginning of the series, Lee’s character now finds himself endowed with highly special powers — the power of amplification.
Born in Seoul, South Korea, Lee and his family moved to New York City when he was ten years old. Lee found himself quickly learning to speak English in his attempts to assimilate. He studied communications at the Boston University but after participating in a hip hop group, decided to look into dance and acting instead and moved to L.A. Lee has appeared in several movies such as the horror film Shutter and Big Dreams Little Tokyo.
Thanks to Heroes Lee gets to indulge in a particular passion unrelated to super-powers. “I had to ride a motorcycle. Even though they had stunt drivers to do the hard stuff, they actually sent me to motorcycle school,” he told Uinterview exclusively. “The motorcycle they use on the show is awesome — it’s a gnarly Harley!”
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