Ever since it premiered at Sundance, a new film called Bellflower has left critics scrambling as to how to describe it. The story of two pyromaniac friends fuses genres as dissimilar as teen comedy and apocalyptic thriller. Writer/director/actor Evan Glodell joined his co-stars Jessie Wiseman and Tyler Dawson in a chat with Uinterview Founder Erik Meers at ComicCon 2011 about their mesmerizing new film.
Kimberly Guilfoyle was a no-show at the Mar-a-Lago New Year's Eve bash on Tuesday night…
https://youtu.be/pKZIfMm032o A six-minute fireworks show mounted on an iconic skyscraper in Taipei, Taiwan helped people usher in…
The pop star released ‘Soltera’ last month, a feminist afro beats bop that quickly rose…
On Monday, Sen. Kevin Cramer's (R-North Dakota) son, Ian Cramer, 43, was sentenced to 28…
Lavin was actively filming earlier this month for an upcoming Hulu series entitled Mid-Century Modern.
On November 7, authorities revealed that three people had been charged in relation to Payne’s…