Tim Allen, known for being one of the few outspoken conservatives in Hollywood, has broken his silence regarding the riots at the Capitol. Allen shared his thoughts on the riots and critiqued Trump’s handling of the situation.

Allen called the January 6 mob as “horrible, embarrassing, and shameful” and said that Donald Trump had the power to stop the riots, but did not, the actor told Entertainment Weekly, .

“When I was watching that, I felt that the president should have been a stand-up guy and go there with his security and say, ‘Hey, come on. No, no, no, no.’…He could do whatever he wanted. Go there yourself. Say, ‘Come on out, people… I never said any of this. That was not in that speech. I never said, Go storm the Capitol,’ or whatever.”

Allen also offered personal experience with the Capitol, revealing that he had even had troubling entering the building, which raised a question as to how the rioters gained entry so easily.

“I’ve been there before and it’s impossible to get in that building. I couldn’t get in, and I had credentials. They wouldn’t let us in. So who opened the door? I got to believe that people at the back [of the crowd] didn’t know that they had broken the door. They were going, ‘Oh look, they’re letting us in.’ There were 120,000 people outside that had no idea this was going on.”

The actor continued that he hoped President-elect Joe Biden would continue to unify the two divided parties by moving on from recent events.

“It would be a great thing to see [President-elect Joe Biden] — and everybody wants him to do well — say, ‘That was a stupid thing, let’s move on, don’t keep harping on it.’ But I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

The final season of Allen’s sitcom, The Last Man Standing, is airing now on Fox. His new show, Assembly Required is coming soon to the History Channel.

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