In a recent interview, Oprah Winfrey teased a possible presidential run in 2020.

“Have you ever thought that, given the popularity you have — we haven’t broken the glass ceiling yet for women — that you could actually run for president and actually be elected?” asked Bloomberg TV’s David Rubenstein.

Oprah, being the media and TV mogul that she is, paused for dramatic effect. “I never considered the question even a possibility,” she said. “I just thought, ‘Oh… oh”?

Without actually mentioning Donald Trump‘s name, the interviewing mentioned that “you don’t need government experience to be elected president of the United States [now]. That’s what I thought,” replied Oprah. “I thought, ‘Oh gee, I don’t have the experience, I don’t know enough.’ And now I’m thinking, ‘Oh.'”

In 2008, Oprah put considerable effort and support behind Barack Obama who won two terms. Last year, she put her muscle behind Hillary Clinton. “Regardless of your politics, it’s a seminal moment for women. What this says is, there is no ceiling, that ceiling just went boom! It says anything is possible when you can be leader of the free world,” Oprah told ET! last June.

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