If you grew up in the 2000s, then there was a good chance that you watched Hannah Montana after school at some point.

On Wednesday, Miley Cyrus poured her heart out in a letter to her childhood years on the 15-year anniversary since the show’s premiere. Cyrus portrayed a girl who had the “Best of Both Worlds,” a regular high school student by day and a pop star at night.

“It’s been a while. 15 years to be exact,” Cyrus wrote. “Since the first time I slid those blonde bangs over my forehead in the best attempt to conceal my identity. Then slipped into a puke pink terry cloth robe and a bedazzled HM over the heart.”


“In reality there was a time in my life when you help more of my identity in your glove than I did in my bare hands,” Cyrus opened up about how much the character became a part of her. “We had an equal exchange in which you provided me a superlative amount of fame in return for the anonymity I could gift you.”

Despite Cyrus’ father being country star Billy Ray Cyrus, she never thought that he childhood dreams of being a rock star was a sure thing. “I couldn’t have imagined while taping myself singing ‘I Love Rock & Roll’ against a white wall in my mom’s friend’s kitchen in Nashville, TN, the name taped in the marquee style letters on the front of a draft script would make my wildest dreams a reality.”

Those wildest dreams became a reality as Hannah Montana quickly became a hit, leading to her first world tour and 2009’s Hannah Montana: The Movie. In 2021, Cyrus is still one of the biggest names in music.

The show ended in 2011 with an episode titled “Wherever I Go.” Cyrus recalled singing the last song on the show and taking her blonde wig off for the last time. “The first verse sings ‘Everything is about to change. A chapter ending but the stories only just began. A page is turning for everyone.’ And closes on a soaring chorus belting ‘we might be part but I hope you know you always you’ll be with me where I go.’ Hannah, I hope you hear me + believe those words are true.”

Cyrus’ letter was brought full circle when a new, verified Hannah Montana Twitter account replied to Cyrus’s letter saying, “Nice to hear from you @MileyCyrus. It’s only been a decade.


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Demi Tsatsaronis

Article by Demi Tsatsaronis

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