During Hurricane Ian, the category four storm that destroyed parts of Florida last week, Lara Trump, daughter in law of Donald Trump and wife to Eric Trump, took her son into the storm.

Trump posted a video of her and her son outside during heavy rain. Her son is riding a toy tractor while she films. The child is seen shielding his eyes from the hale while asking his mother to bring him back inside.

She pushes him to ride out in the rain with words that in another context would seem encouraging. “No, you can do it. Let’s go,” she says when her son tells her he doesn’t want to play in the rain.

Instagram blew up immediately with harsh reactions.

“Abuse. Plain and simple,” @tonyposnanski wrote.

In a caption to the post, Trump calls the experience “character building,” also implying that being caught in the rain with her son was an accident.

Although many have jumped up to criticize Trump, some have come to her defense.

Founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, Brigitte Gabriel, tweeted out “Lara Trump is a great mother, there is absolutely nothing abusive about getting caught in the rain on a walk! The left is deranged.”

A conservative author Nick Adams accused Democrats of targeting Trump over “taking her son on a walk on his mini tractor and accidentally getting caught in the rain on their way back.”

Hurricane Ian has claimed over a hundred lives in Florida and although power is back on for many people, there are still those without due to the storm.

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