Ballerina Misty Copeland, released her new Firebird Barbie on Monday and spoke out about the meaning and hard work that went behind it. Following the reveal of the new multiple-size Barbie line, Mattel debuted Copeland’s new doll with realistic proportions, including athletic calves and larger breasts. She hopes that young African American girls, especially, will be inspired by her example.
Copeland made history last summer, when she became the first black female principal dancer at the American Ballet Theatre. The ballerina was very hands on when it came to creating her Barbie doll. She saw Barbie as giving young girls “a way to dream,” she wanted to make sure that they were getting the right message when it came to body image.
“It’s just so exciting for this generation of kids to be able to see a Barbie that has muscles and brown skin and a bust and thighs, and for her to be a ballerina,” Copeland told Mashable.
Copeland can’t wait to give the dolls to the young girls and dancers, so they will finally be able to “see themselves” in the doll. The “Be Anything” campaign is meant to encourage young kids who might doubt themselves, especially in a field as competitive as ballet.
The doll is part of Barbie’s “Sheroes” program, which spotlights and honors female heroes who break boundaries, it has included Barbie replicas of Emmy Rossum, Ava DuVernay, Kristin Chenoweth and Zendaya, according to Time.
The Misty Copeland Barbie Doll is now available for purchase on Barbie’s Collection site, and includes a tulle headpiece and ballet shoes.
Get The Copeland Doll Here:
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