Amber Rose has had quite a controversial week, even for her. It started out with defending ex-nemesis Kim Kardashian against Bette Midler, Pink and former CNN host Piers Morgan, after the reality star posted a nude photo of herself on social media last week.
Rose reposted the picture to advocate on behalf of her Slut Walk, which raises awareness around rape culture, body/slut shaming and women empowerment. Rose then invited the mother of two to join her in next years L.A Slut Walk, in hopes that they can unite.
Rose has been criticized for her stripper past and outrageously sexy outfits. Rose feels like she and Kardashian can relate because of how society views them, “The thing is, me and Kim will probably—I won’t say we’ll never be friends, but we accept each other for who we are, and that’s the most important thing as women,” Rose told The Daily Beast.
The ex wife of Wiz Khalifa continued on discussing how Beyonce, a successful business women, isn’t criticized for her dress. “So if we could sing, it would be OK if we were on stage half-naked. We all love Beyoncé, but she’s on stage half-naked and twerking all the time, yet people say, oh, she has talent so she’s able to do that,” Rose said. “We don’t have the talent that Beyoncé has, so we get criticized as former sex workers, but at the end of the day we’re just women—we’re all women—and we should all embrace each other. No one is greater.”
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