On March 1, Charlie Sheen created a Twitter account (@CharlieSheen). By March 2, his followers reached 1,000,000, setting a Guinness record. His followers include celebrities such as Diddy, Floyd Mayweather, Paul Scheer, Sarah Silverman and Tom Green. The rest of the followers are fans or just people waiting to see what Sheen says next.

Following his recent interviews, Sheen quotes have been buzzing around the internet. A list of Sheen’s 29 best quotes (promised to be updated if Sheen keeps them coming) has been posted on Funny or Die. With 29 quotes, it seems more of the words that come out of Sheen’s mouth are quotable than not. Now that Sheen is on Twitter he can bypass the media, as followers can get quotes straight from the source.

Sheen’s first tweet was, “Winning..! Choose your Vice…” followed by a picture of him and “goddess” Rachel Oberlin. Other tweets involve tiger blood, warlock references, Charlie Dogs (apparently an actual hotdog one can order at The Infield complete with “tiger blood”) and more winning. In fact, #tigerblood, #charliedog, #winning, #adonis, and #wewin are all hashtags associated with Sheen. Sheen is taking Twitter by storm, and it is clear that he is winning.

For those unfamiliar with the Sheen terminology, there is a glossary available. It’s only a matter of time before other people start talking like Sheen and using his terms in everyday conversation. Even others are creating terms around Sheen’s recent behavior. Trey Parker and Matt Stone kept referring to “sheening,” in their recent interview on the Late Show, when they described their behavior at the Oscars in 2000 when they wore dresses and were apparently on drugs. Though not Charlie’s own term, “sheening” might just become part of people’s vocabularies as well.

With his kids taken away from him and his show canceled, it isn’t clear whether or not Sheen is actually “winning.” That battle still has a long way to go. However, when it comes to Twitter, with more followers being added nearly every second, at least for now, Charlie Sheen is definitely winning.

Funny or Die List

Charlie Sheen Glossary

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Scott Deady

Article by Scott Deady

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