Rosamund Pike attended her first ever Academy Awards on Sunday in Hollywood. Pike wore a custom strapless, red Givenchy Haute Couture dress by Riccardo Tisci with a split down the middle for added sex appeal. The dress featured a scalloped neckline, a cinched waist and a textured rose design. The romantic look highlighted Pike’s trim waistline and her fair skin tone, which the actress opted to keep her makeup subtle against her vibrant dress. The first-time Oscar nominee for Best Female in a Leading Role, was showing off her post-baby body in a bold move after striking out at most of this years award show carpets.
Although the actress lost out to Julianne Moore (Still Alice) in the end for the Oscar, she did make a memorable award debut. Pike is set to voice Lady Penelope in the upcoming remake of Gerry Anderson‘s Thunderbirds.
You can get this glam red carpet look, but with out the punch of red, by Alice and Olivia at Neiman Marcus. Their version still alludes sexiness with a lace pattern and slit. The gown features a halter neckline instead of a strapless one and an open back. This dress has a similar silhouette and will make you feel ravishing in it. To complete the look pair with a red heel.
Get The Look For Less: Dress, Neiman Marcus, $396. Shoes, Zappos, $79.95. Newly released footage shows government officials shepherding the first group of migrants deported by…
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