Every year, Oscars are given out to films and actors that are deemed "the best" of the year. And they're always in the same categories — Best Actor, Best Picture, etc. I'd like to change it up and see some credit go to celebs and movies that garnered attention, not necessarily for giving the best performance or being so amazing, but for other reasons. Like creating an insane amount of buzz for the possibility that they padded their pregnancy belly or being the most unnecessary remake. Here are new Oscar categories and awards I'd like to see:

Celebrity Gossip Awards

Craziest Celebrity Rumor – Beyonce's phantom baby bump is definitely the winner. The speculation was rampant on Beyonce's womb. Did she pad her bump? There was footage of her with what looked like a deflating belly that seemed to support it, but it's just such a crazy theory.

Least Shocking Celebrity Split – Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, no doubt about it. Rumours swirled around this couple for ages.

Most Shocking Celebrity Split – N/A

Actress Who was in Everything – The lovely and talented Jessica Chastain came out of nowhere and starred in five movies and some of the year's biggest including The Tree of Life and The Help.

Star We'd Like to See More Of – Joseph Gordon-Levitt starred in 50/50 with Seth Rogen and had girls swooning over his adorable vulnerability. I'd love to see more of Gordon-Levitt's boyish good looks and talent.

New Oscar Categories

Best Comedy – The untouched winner is definitely Bridesmaids. SNL's Kristin Wigg led a gang of hilarious ladies in this comedy.

Worst Comedy – Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy's Tower Heist and Adam Sandler's Jack and Jill were both incredibly unfunny comedies, but Adam Sandler as twins and in hideous drag was triumphant as the most brutally bad.

Best Portrayal by an Animal – The horse from War Horse was great but the winner is the fantastic chimp, played by Anthony Serkis, from Planet of the Apes.

Most Uneccessary Remake – Definitely the honor goes to Arthur, but it had competition from Conan the Barbarian and The Thing – two great films that got unneeded remakes. Although Conan starred the hunky Jason Momoa, it flopped terribly. Duh.

Most Uneccessary Sequel – Scream 4 was probably the least-needed sequel. It made us wish that the killer would just catch and kill Sidney already.

Best Sequel – N/A

Worst Chick Flick – This honor goes to I Don't Know How She Does It. I don't know how Sarah Jessica Parker keeps getting cast as the lead in terrible chick flicks that get green-lit.

Most Confusing Film – The Tree of Life had no plot and flitted between random scenes of a Midwestern family in the 1950's and indiscernible images.


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