The Divergent panel premiered the first footage from the upcoming young adult sci-fi movie series at Comic Con on Thursday. Divergent, based on the popular book series by Veronica Roth (who was present at the panel), stars Shailene Woodley (Tris) and Theo James (Four) as two young adults living in a dystopian future Chicago that segregates its population based on personality traits. Tris and Four are in the ‘bravery’ group – an ideal both actors were eager to discuss with the panel.
“I think all of us are extremely brave and extremely courageous, but I don’t think that we’re necessarily put in situations where we’re forced to call upon our bravery. What I love about Tris is that she was in that situation and she rose to the occasion,” Woodley reportedly told the audience.
“I think he [Four] is a man with a very centered sense of masculinity and he’s not afraid to demonstrate what he’s afraid of. It’s not about being fearless, it’s about how you deal with things that are scary,” James added.
The exclusive footage shown at the convention reportedly featured Four and Tris’ first encounter as mentor and mentee – involving Tris jumping off a moving train and being confronted with Four’s fighting skills.
Unfortunately, the footage of Divergent has not yet been officially released to the general public, and it is uncertain whether it ever will be. At the panel, director Neil Burger said that they had only just finished shooting a few days before, and, evidently, the footage screened in San Diego does not represent a finished project.
Woodley and James were joined by co-stars Miles Teller, Maggie Q, Mekhi Phifer and a handful of others. Absent from the panel was Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet who plays Jeanine Matthews in the movie, set for release March 21, 2014.
– Olivia Truffaut-Wong
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