Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, the housewives traveled to Punta Mita, Mexico, to celebrate the launch of Mauricio’s agency. While there the ladies confronted Rinna regarding the gossip Eden said she was spreading about Kim’s sobriety. Rinna maintained her innocence throughout the confrontation and claimed it was actually Eden that was the gossipmonger. On this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Rinna and Eden meet for the first time since Mexico to discuss the drama that unfolded. Later the women volunteer at Project Angel Food and then attend an event for the same charity where Rinna is being honored.

RHOBH S7E12 Recap: “Feeding a Need”

The episode opens with Lisa and Ken purchasing a property for their son Max. Since Max has been working very hard lately, they wanted to reward him by surprising him with his own place on the anniversary of his adoption. Lisa has already purchased a home for her daughter Pandora and wants to do the same for her son (why hasn’t my mom bought me a house yet?).

Then Rinna and Eden are seen meeting at a park to discuss the events in Mexico. After an awkward greeting, Rinna confronts Eden and asks why she went straight to Lisa Vanderpump before talking to her about the situation. Eden explains that she wanted an outsider’s perspective from Vanderpump (wrong person for that) and wanted to tell her side of the story. Rinna’s anger at Eden is misguided as all she did was repeat the words Rinna had said. Eden explains that she is not a troublemaker and that Rinna could’ve avoided being thrown under the bus if she had just been honest about her part in this drama. The two women agree to move forward although Rinna admits that she will now remain guarded around Eden in the future.

Next the housewives volunteer at a charity that Rinna is passionate about, Project Angel Food. The other women are surprised to see that Eden is volunteering after Rinna proclaimed how made she was at her. As the ladies prepare the meals, Kyle and Eden have a brief moment to chat and both agree that a group discussion is necessary in the near future. Next the ladies attend an event hosted by the same charity where Rinna is being honored and receiving the Humanitarian Award. The ladies are able to put aside their differences and play nice with one another at the event. The episode ends on a high note as Harry Hamlin professes his love for Rinna while introducing her award.

The preview for next week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills sees Kyle hosting what looks like a cheesecake party (why) and Rinna admitting to the comments she made about Kim, ushering in her time of reckoning. Tune in next Tuesday at 9pm EST for an all-new episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Housewives Side Notes:


  • Thinks Eden’s obsession with Kim is a projection of her own struggles with sobriety.
  • Thinks Eden is misguided and constantly seeking acceptance and love from the people she meets.
  • Was embarrassed that Dorit showed up to volunteer in her rose gold Bentley.


  • Bought Max’s house for $630,000.
  • Has sympathy for the blue velvet sofa she is buying for Max since he won’t take care of it.
  • Likes Eden despite her being a bit intense because she is able to show vulnerability.


  • Can make a mean grilled cheese sandwich but that’s it.
  • Doesn’t see her husband Tom a lot, but when they do it is 100% quality time.
  • Her video for “Expensive” was the most expensive to make.


  • Thinks Jagger is the most delicious big brother.
  • Usually ends up having a baby after PK sees her washing zucchinis.
  • Questions if Rinna’s selective memory is a result of a possible pill problem.


  • The only award she has ever won before was a Soap Opera Digest Award for “Best Couple”
  • Wants to buy Harry a pair of heels and make him walk down the driveway in them.
  • Thinks Lisa Vanderpump didn’t go to her even because she wouldn’t have been the center of attention.


  • Still suffering from Montezuma’s Revenge.
  • Has pink eye.


  • Isn’t one to “make shit up”.
  • Donated $2,000 to Project Angel Food despite her drama with Rinna.
  • Doesn’t have a boyfriend but has a kindred spirit whom she hasn’t met and lives in London.

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