Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Eden met with Lisa Vanderpump to explain her interest in Kim Richard’s sobriety. Eden revealed that Rinna insisted Kim was struggling with her addiction and was near death. Later the housewives traveled to Punta Mita, Mexico to celebrate the launch of Mauricio’s office in the area. After just a few days in paradise, Lisa Vanderpump relayed her talk with Eden to Kyle, explaining that Rinna may be behind all of the recent gossip. This week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills shows Rinna arriving at Punta Mita and being confronted by the other housewives at Mauricio’s launch party.
RHOBH S7E11 Recap: “Backed into a Corner”
The episode opens with Rinna arriving at the hacienda and being met with a less than warm reception from the other housewives. The awkwardness is so palpable that Lisa Vanderpump admits to feeling bad for Rinna as she heads off to find her room alone.
Later Eileen arrives and it is time for Mauricio’s agency launch party. Despite Mauricio dancing on the bar, the atmosphere quickly dampens when Erika tells Rinna that she needs to have a conversation with Kyle. With an audience of housewives, Rinna asks Kyle what is going on. Kyle questions Rinna on if she said that Kim was struggling and close to death and if she called Kyle an enabler. Rinna claims that she doesn’t remember saying that and deflects all of the blame onto Eden. Lisa Vanderpump doesn’t believe Rinna’s denial and prods her for more information. Rinna maintains her innocence throughout the interrogation and portrays Eden as a gossipmonger.
After the questioning, the ladies are left unsure of who to believe as Rinna walks outside and begins to cry. Eileen and Erika take Rinna back to the hacienda as the other housewives continue to party. Back at the hacienda, Erika questions Rinna further and urges her to tell Kyle the facts. Rinna maintains her convenient amnesia and claims she would tell Kyle the facts if she remembered them.
The next day the housewives choose to leave the drama behind and take a yacht out for a day at sea. The ladies enjoy a day of swimming and sunbathing despite the tension from the night before. The episode ends on a high note as Rinna releases her inner Erika Jayne and dances on a table to “PAINKILLR”.
The preview for next week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills sees Kyle telling Kim the comments Rinna allegedly made about her sobriety and Eden and Rinna having a sit down discussion about the events in Mexico. Tune in next Tuesday at 9pm EST for an all-new episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
Housewives Side Notes:
Lisa Vanderpump:
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This will be Nelly’s largest tour to date.
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