‘Zoo’ Season 2, Episode 4 Recap: A Poison Gas Explosion

This week’s episode of Zoo opens in Costa Rica as a team is hunting for sloths to seemingly examine after shooting one with a tranquilizer.
In Canada, Jamie and Logan are still trying to survive in the wilderness.
‘Zoo’ Season 2, Episode 4
Mitch is examining Jackson and discovers he now has the same mutation strain as many of the other animals after his bite. Mitch thinks he may be able to help Jackson if he can figure out how to keep his new mutations dormant. Jackson doesn’t want Mitch to spend too much time trying to help him and to focus on the animals, but Mitch explains that helping him would also be the same cure.
Abraham and Dariela are trying to devise a plan to find Jamie.
Chloe comes to the lab to show Mitch and Jackson what has come of the captured sloth in Costa Rica. Apparently, that sloth was able to cause an earthquake by emitting a certain sound. Vultures and ants in other parts of the world have also been able to change the environment.
General Davies is already examining the sloth where it is being held the city, as he starts talking to the doctor an earthquake starts and everyone including the sloth is attempted to be evacuated before the entire skyscraper collapses. Chloe, Mitch and Jackson arrive just as this is happening and miss the sloth.
It turns out the moles underground were what really caused the current earthquake rather than the sloth. Abraham and Dariela have joined the team underground following the moles’ path.
Logan and Jamie are on the run again after using what was thought to be Logan’s money for a fire and being spotted the night before. He finally admits to Jamie that it wasn’t really his to use, right when three men with guns find them. Jamie tries to reason with them by explaining that they needed something to keep them warm. As the men prepare to shoot them both, a wolf attacks the bad guys and Jamie is able to escape.
Mitch, Jackson and Dariela are burrowing underground and come across a dead mole. Mitch thinks they should head back but Chloe who is guiding them from the lab (by hacking into the military database) thinks they can get to the sloth which is being transported above them. As they head further, an alligator meets them underground and they quickly try to burrow backwards to escape.
Gen. Davies’ team is also able to see what’s going on underground and is heading to try and stop them as well. Jackson and Dariela are able to escape and Mitch barely makes it before the ground collapses above him. Now that they are free, Chloe is planning to use them as bait for the military team later.
Jamie is caught by one of the men looking for Logan’s money but she kills him and continues her escape.
Jackson wants to tell Abe about his condition but Mitch doesn’t think it’s a good idea because of Dariela. He reminds Jackson that Dariela was friends with Kovax, but still killed him.
Abe and Dariela are outside of Davies’ big party and they realize, with Chloe also looking in from the lab, that the entire party is being attended by the important people needed to vote on the Noah Objective. Chloe decides they all need to go undercover at the party and while they’re there, they can gain access to the sloth as well.
At the party, Chloe and Jackson share a sweet moment after he apologizes for telling Mitch about his mutation. They are also able to put something in the drink of the sloth’s doctor.
General Davies makes a speech explaining the process of the Noah Objective. He tells everyone about how much worse the animal problem has gotten and about the poisonous gas he plans to use to destroy them.
Dariela tries to get close enough to the general to record his heartbeat, which is needed to get into the sloth’s cage. He recognizes her after she tries to give him a fake name but luckily Dariela is able to turn getting arrested into arresting Davies instead. She takes him down to meet the team at the sloth’s cage but when they enter it isn’t there. Davies isn’t confessing to where it is. Jackson walks him through all the other caged animals while Chloe and Dariela look for the poisonous gasses that will be used for tomorrow’s demonstration.
Jamie hallucinates Chloe as she is struggling to keep traveling through the wilderness. This gives her the strength to keep going.
Abe, Mitch, and Jackson finally locate the Sloth and prepare to remove it from the building.
Dariela and Chloe grab the gas and escape but are spotted and during the gunfire the poison canister is hit. Dariela escapes and closes the door as the poison got to her and it was clear that Chloe hadn’t made it. As the door closes, Chloe gets to it and it’s too late. Chloe had just received Jamie’s location and tries to use her last breath to tell Dariela. Dariela cannot understand.
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