“Jimmy I’m the new Santa Claus!,” Will Ferrell announced last night on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The Daddy’s Home star swapped the good Saint Nick’s traditional jolly-old-soul persona for that of an obnoxious meathead jock, telling Fallon it was time Santa had a makeover.
“Look brah the Kris Kringle we all grew up with is old and lame, ” the funnyman said. “Dude looks like someone’s weird grandpa. Kids today are demanding a newer, hipper, more bad*** Santa Claus.”
Armed with a t-shirt gun, Ferrell told a skeptical Fallon, or “J-Slice” as he dubbed the host, “these bad boys are the hottest gift this Christmas season.” The t-shirts in question had Ferrell’s face printed on the front and “Daddy’s Home” slapped on the back.
After attempting to impress Fallon with his triceps, Ferrell managed to rope the host into a musical number, a Christmas themed rendition of Smash Mouth’s ‘All Star’.
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They emphasized, “There won’t be another deal. There may be one-offs, but that’s it.”
Seibert speculated, “If struggle without context is baffling, heaven without struggle isn’t very interesting.”
The shooter was identified to be John R. Lyons, 24, of Westchester, Illinois.
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