‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Episode 5 Recap: Maggie’s Return

This week’s episode of The Walking Dead brought us to Maggie, whom we hadn’t seen since her husband Glenn’s death in the brutal season opener.
Maggie had been at the Hilltop, receiving prenatal treatment – the placenta had separated from the uterus, which can occur during times of stress. She did not lose the baby. Sasha, who had been staying with her at the hospital, took her to where Glenn and Abraham were buried, and Maggie emotionally left Glenn’s pocket watch on his grave.
Gregory, Jesus, Maggie, and Sasha had become their own little clan, with Gregory thinking he was in charge, despite his lack of gall and bravery. Neegan’s Saviors did a sneak attack on the Hilltop, in which they lured walkers there by playing music from a car. While Gregory stepped back, useless, pregnant Maggie hopped on a tractor and ran the car over to stop the music from playing.
Now, Gregory told Jesus to hide Maggie and Sasha in a hall closer to hide them when the Saviors were coming. Before they went through the entire house, Gregory told them he had something for them, and brought them to the closet, only to find it stashed with alcohol. Jesus, had saved the women by hiding them in a different room.
Once the Saviors left, for whatever reason, Gregory thought himself even more in charge than ever. Maggie noticed he had even taken Glenn’s pocket watch off of his grave, and she took it back from him. Sasha asked Jesus to find out where Neegan is.
During one of the few cuts away from Maggie, we saw Carl and Enid getting delightfully close. He saved her from walkers, rollerbladed around laughing, and even kissed. They arrived together at the Hilltop, where he told Enid he was going to find Neegan, while Enid stayed behind to find Maggie.
Maggie was so happy to see her, she even gave Enid Glenn’s watch. The end of the episode saw Jesus climb onto a Savior’s truck, only to find Carl already there.
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