An expletive-laden diatribe at a board meeting in a south Chicago suburb ended in a brawl breaking out on Jan. 28, with the local mayor joining in. Footage captured shows Jedidiah Brown criticizing Dalton Mayor Tiffany Henyard, who is alleged to have mismanaged funds, according to an investigation by former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Tensions reached a boiling point after Brown threw expletives toward Henyard, criticizing her behavior. Before Brown can return to his seat, Henyard’s boyfriend throws a punch at him, and chaos ensues as others join in. Brown told ABC7 that during the altercation, Henyard “ran from behind the table with a mic in her hand and hit me with it, while another staff member was hitting me in the head.” (Credit: @100itrackstv via Storyful)

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