After 25 years of programming, iconic talk show host Oprah Winfrey has aired her last episode. Wednesday marked the end of an era for the queen of daytime as she closed her show on a somber note — no prizes, giveaways, surprise guests, or favorite things — just a little bit of good ol' fashioned gratitude.
"There will be no guests, no surprises," she told her rapt audience. "You will not be getting a car or a tree. This last hour is about me saying thank you. It is my love letter to you." The speech she had prepared was an inspirational monologue that celebrated the program, which Oprah called "the great love of my life," and brought the past quarter-century to a close.
"I am truly amazed that I, who started out in rural Mississippi in 1954 when the vision for a black girl was limited to being either a maid or a teacher in a segregated school, could end up here …. I thank you for being as much of a sweet inspiration to me as I've tried to be for you," she finished, her voice cracking. "I won't say goodbye; I'll just say 'until we meet again.' To God be the glory," she finished, before leaving the dimmed stage and embracing her partner, Stedman Graham, as well as several audience members.
"We did it," she exclaimed, raising her arms, as a ballad specially written by Paul Simon for the finale played. "We did it."
Watch a clip here:
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