Actresses Wendie Malick and Genevieve Angelson sat down to reflect on their experience on the new show The Chicken Sisters in their new uInterview.

The Chicken Sisters is a new Hallmark series based on the New York Times best-seller of the same name, written by K.J. Dell’Antonia. The story is set in the fictional southern town of Merinac, Kansas, and follows the families of dueling fried chicken restaurants

Angelson gave an overview of her character: “I play May – who is one of the sisters – who grew up in this small town and as soon as she possibly could, ran as far away from there as possible to New York City. She has cultivated an entire identity in reaction to this incredibly claustrophobic provincial place…and is, you know, forced to confront that you can’t run forever. And I am the daughter of—“

“Gus, Augusta,” Malick cut in with her own character’s name. “And I am a somewhat dysfunctional single mother, both my daughters left to go as far away from me as they could.”

Malick continued, “I’m a hoarder, and I had a somewhat complicated and difficult childhood, which has led me to be a hoarder. But I’m also a fabulous cook and I have one of the two chicken restaurants in town…so we find ourselves at the beginning of the series with some very problematic family dynamics, and into town comes this reality show which then reveals some of our deep dark secrets – and all of it’s done with a great deal of humor.”

Angelson reflected on her favorite on and off-screen moment while filming. “I really cherished this one particular episode that most closely connects me and my sister Amanda,” she said. “Because we are sisters on the show, often the plot would follow us in different directions, so in spite of the fact that we’re costarring, we didn’t work together that much…”

She continued, “Off camera, I had a friend on the crew named Carl, and we would entertain each other by – no matter how old or cold the food was that was on the set, we would dare each other to eat it. I ate a lot of things that were questionable, and I lived to tell the tale that I would not be out-grossed by the gross boy Carl who challenged me. I felt very proud of that.”

“They were a delightful couple,” Malick chuckled.

Malick explained the core of the show: “What is sort of a through-line in this thing is that you only hurt the ones you love. These are all people where it’s misplaced angst and anger and stuff, but these are people who underneath it all really love each other. And you see little glimpses of it with all these different pairings, that there still is this reservoir of connection and love and family and friendship that’s just been covered over by layers of resentment and old business that they haven’t been able to let go of. And it’s an interesting journey to see how this group, mainly these four women work  through some of that stuff through the course of this reality show that is revealing a lot of their secrets.”

The Chicken Sisters can be streamed on Hallmark.

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