The Mandalorian, Disney+’s most popular installment in the Star Wars world, tells the story of Din Djarin, better known as the Mandalorian (played by Pedro Pascal), who works to protect the young Grogu who is of the same species as Yoda. Emily Swallow plays The Armorer in the show.
Right-wing political activist Laura Loomer criticized Elon Musk for his association with President-elect Donald Trump.…
Singer Jessica Simpson set social media ablaze again this week after her latest appearance. The…
Outgoing Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minnesota) delivered a scathing critique of the Democratic Party, calling it…
In tandem with critics’ poor reviews of Perry's new album, the lead single ‘Woman’s World’…
Designer Donatella Versace's contract with Versace is expiring in February. As Versace is rumored to…
Social media star Sydney Thomas returned to wrestling after serving as the ring girl in…