Bridge and Tunnel, a drama comedy show that follows a group of recent college grads from Long Island as they move to Manhattan to pursue their dreams, is back for a second season.
Stars Isabella Farrell, who plays Stacey Ross, and Jan Luis Castellanos, who plays Mikey, recently sat down for a conversation with uInterview founder Erik Meers to discuss the most memorable behind-the-scenes moments from their time on set.
“When I bumped into Isabella at the fitting for the first time, we hugged each other for a good three minutes because we hadn’t seen each other in a long time, and that was one of my favorite moments,” Castellanos revealed.
“She’s probably like ‘What, dude?’ he continued, laughing. “But hey, I still remember and it meant a whole lot.”
“Yeah, it was great to be reunited with everybody, but that was a great moment,” Farrell agreed, before sharing her own favorite moment which turned out to be quite humorous.
“There’s the opening scene of the show where I walk across the loft and I chug a beer and you only see me from the back right before I leave,” she said. “I’ve been having a lot of fun on set, just seeing what happens, which is great because it’s such a collaborative effort. I chugged this beer, which was soda water, and I just ripped a huge burp and it was completely silent in the room and every single person was just pissing their pants laughing. Not only was that not in the show, I went in to do my voiceover work and I was like, ‘[Show creator] Ed [Burns], are you going to use the burp?’ and he was like, ‘Oh, I don’t know. Do you want to?’ and I was like ‘Absolutely!’ Then, in the sound booth, I chugged soda and burped about 50 times for Ed Burns and it was truly a highlight. I mean, I get paid to do this!”
“I’ll burp on OnlyFans, you know what I mean?” the actress added jokingly. “Maybe this is my future career, just burping on demand!”
Season 2 of Bridge and Tunnel will begin streaming on Epix this Sunday.
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