Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge, who star on the Real Housewives of Orange County, were hospitalized over the weekend following a four-wheeler accident while filming the reality TV show.

Vicki Gunvalson & Tamra Judge Hospitalized

On Saturday, Gunvalson and Judge were driving a Polaris RZR in Glamis, Calif., when the off-road vehicle flipped and rolled over numerous times. The reality TV stars were then airlifted to a local hospital. Fortunately, neither suffered any serious injuries.

A rep for Bravo, which airs the Real Housewives series, confirmed the report.

“There was an off-roading accident that occurred on Saturday morning during production of The Real Housewives of Orange County,” the rep told People magazine in a statement. “Vicki and Tamra were taken to the hospital after the accident occurred. They were both released and are continuing to be monitored. Everyone at Bravo, along with their fans, send them our love and support.”

Judge, who admitted to being the driver, took to Facebook to thank those who have reached out with concern for their well-being.

“So many texts, tweets and phone calls asking if this is true. I can confirm it is. Thank you for your prayers and concerns. We are both beat up but very lucky to be alive,” Judge wrote in the since-deleted post. “I’ve never been so scared in my life. As the driver I have an overwhelming amount of guilt and just happy that the 4 of us are alive.”

Gunvalson shared a picture of the helicopter that took them to receive medical attention, writing, “Thank you everyone for your prayers. ‪#‎itwasntourtime‬.”

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Article by Chelsea Regan

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