Actress Uma Thurman was seen at Paris Fashion Week with her son Levon Thurman-Hawke. The mother and son pair attended the Dior Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2020 show together. Uma, best known for her work for Quentin Tarantino in Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction, wore black and white gingham trousers with a navy blue overcoat and a black blouse. Levon, son of Uma and actor Ethan Hawke, wore a black collared shirt, black trousers, a mostly black plaid coat, and a gold necklace. Levon took to his Instagram page to post a few pictures of him and his mom in Paris along with a short video of the fashion show.
Maya Hawke, Levon’s sister and actress in such shows as Stranger Things, did not attend the show with the family despite an apparent interest in fashion – she appeared in a campaign for the brand Miu Miu last year. The Thurman’s aren’t the only family who made an appearance at this year’s Paris Fashion Week, as Victoria, David and Brooklyn Beckham were recently photographed attending a fashion event together.
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