Former Ugly Betty star Eric Mabius was arrested in Florida on Thursday. Mabius, 53, was taken to the Nassau County, Florida Jail and Detention Center at 5:45 a.m., a few hours after he was arrested for an alleged bar fight with a woman. He faces two misdemeanors: a battery charge and resisting arrest without violence.

Mabius attended the bar with a female companion who was told to leave multiple times by the bartender and customers due to her disrespectful attitude. When the woman began spitting at people and eventually pushed one woman, Mabius sprung into action, knocking both women to the ground, “in a matter of seconds.”


Official documents showed the victim recounting the incident to police officers, reading, “While she was on the ground Eric got on top of her and was pulling her hair, ripping a handful of her hair from her scalp.” It was then that other people in the bar intervened to pull Mabius off the woman and the victim.

Upon arriving at the scene, officers observed that both Mabius and the woman he attended with were “extremely intoxicated” and “kept trying to yell at everyone in the bar.”

Mabius became more aggressive at the presence of the police, “not following simple commands to just sit on the bench.” In the presence of the officers, the woman “laid on the ground and refused to listen and or speak.” When she was forced outside, the woman “continued to resist and was ultimately placed under arrest for resisting.”

Mabius’ mugshot showed a swollen black eye and the victim confirmed to the police that she planned to press charges on Mabius and his female companion.

Mabius is best known for his role as Daniel Meade in Ugly Betty. 

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Article by Baila Eve Zisman

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